TEAM FIRST: Level Up Your Leaders


PROBLEM78% of people are looking for a more supportive work culture

SOLUTION: We are launching NEW, immersive, one-day team development program, Team First, to support leaders and their teams TODAY


It starts with you. Commit to becoming an extraordinary “First Team” – create a positive influence that cascades throughout your organization.  

Create a Team Playbook

Create a Team Playbook for how to effectively lead and interact with each other

Lead Change Confidently

Align on how to manage change positively and proactively for your organization

Instill Trust & Connection

Enhance collaboration, increase trust, and build authentic connections for greater success


  • When markets, politics, or the world around us feel unsettled, employees feel disruption, which impacts performance
  • Building trust and creating a culture where employees feel supported and valued is critical in this complex climate
  • We created a one-day program to meet your needs and create quick wins for your team
  • Culture starts at the top and begins with youyour employees are counting on you

The Principles Impact:

  • 95% increase in understanding Team strengths and gaps, and practical strategies on how to work together most effectively
  • 76% are more comfortable sharing their perspectives openly
  • 75% of people gave more feedback to their peers and leaders than prior to the program
  • 80% of people received more feedback they feel is useful to their personal and professional growth
  • 77% of people reported having a deeper understanding of others’ perspectives to enhance team alignment than prior to the program

At the end of the Workshop, participants will:

  • Understand and respect each other’s strengths and leverage contributions
  • Gain immediate tools for greater collaboration
  • Communicate and support each other in more meaningful and effective ways
  • Understand other people’s actions and reactions with clarity and empathy
  • Be able to tailor messages for more positive influence and buy-in
  • Learn how to leverage the cognitive diversity on their team
  • Begin to establish a foundation of trust and psychological safety
  • Become more personally productive and efficient
  • Know how to bring out the best in one’s team, motivate individuals more effectively and mentor them with greater success
Participants leave with individual User’s Guides and a “Team Playbook” filled with immediate tools to use with their team for increased communication, motivation, and collaboration.
Program pre-work: Pre-work consists of an online assessment called PrinciplesUs


  • Full-Day Immersive Offsite
  • Includes PrinciplesUs Assessment, Individual and Team result reports, and customized Individual User’s Guides for immediate implementation
  • A background call in advance to understand the specific team dynamics and ensure the workshop achieves the goals for each particular team
  • Starting at $18,500 for up to 12 participants